Cookiebot CMP test page

This site is provided for testing purposes only and demonstrates selected standard features of Cookiebot CMP as described below. To test withdrawal or change of consent, please visit the Cookie Declaration or execute Cookiebot JavaScript SDK functions from the browser's developer console.

Google Tag Manager

Cookiebot can be deployed in multiple ways on a website. On this site Cookiebot is deployed by Google Tag Manager (container ID GTM-PFBMP75), using the standard Cookiebot CMP tag in the GTM Gallery.

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Google Consent Mode

Cookiebot automatically signals consent to Google Consent Mode whenever consent is submitted, changed or withdrawn. On this site Google Analytics Universal (tracking ID UA-33923583-8) is deployed by GTM, relying on Cookiebot for consent through Consent Mode.

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Third party tags in GTM

Tags that do not support Consent Mode and are deployed through GTM, can honor the user's consent choices by using Consent Triggers in GTM. On this site the Facebook pixel is controlled by triggers, only being enabled when the end user consents to 'marketing' cookies.

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Cookiebot supports IAB TCF v2. When enabled (in this case by checkbox in Cookiebot GTM tag setting), an additional tab is displayed to the end user in the consent banner under "Ad Settings". The integration also supports Google Additional Consent Mode for TCF.

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For tags that are embedded directly in the website and not through GTM, Cookiebot can automatically block tags and content that is not consented. This can happen automatically or by manual markup of cookie-setting tags. In this example Cookiebot controls the display of a YouTube video by the end user's current consent state.

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